Welcome to my Website!

I’m thrilled to have finally hit publish on this dream of mine. I know it might seem like no big deal to launch a website and write a blog but for me it is. I have gotten in my own way of my dream to share my writing for far too long but now is the time!

I’m not a writer by trade or education but I have a passion for communicating this way. There’s something about spending the time to craft the perfect words to share stories that fills me with joy. Perhaps it’s because it allows my creative side to make an appearance, which is not typically the case in my chosen profession of accounting. I have a lot of thoughts and therefore, a lot of topics that I want to write about. Expect to find a diverse reading selection here; I honestly think there will be something for everyone.


Here’s some of the topics you’ll hear from me on:

-Personal Growth & Development

-Self-love & Body Positivity

-Being single in my late 30’s


-Diet culture & Intuitive Eating



-Social Issues

-Personal Finances

-Running & Fitness

-Planning a move across the world

I’ve heard that if you’re going to start a blog, it’s best to focus on one topic, defined as your niche. That’s not in line with how I think so I feel it wouldn’t be authentic for me to hold back on sharing topics that speak to me. That’s also why I’m envisioning this website as more of a resource than of a blog. You’ll find that the overarching theme is based on my personal journey of creating a fulfilling life. The value comes when I am also able to inspire that within you.

I want to end this first post by saying thank you. Thank you for coming here to check out what I’m all about and for sharing your precious time with me. I’m here to serve you and am honoured to be able to.



What the Global Pandemic Has Taught Us