It’s Official! Business Launch Announcement

Cheers to the news! This is kombucha in a wine glass.

Cheers to the news! This is kombucha in a wine glass.

I’m thrilled to officially announce the launch of my Financial Literacy Education business! I’m returning to the corporate world on Monday to continue my accounting career (after enjoying 15 months off, yay!) and decided it’s time to share my passion project too!

Ok, so what the heck is a personal finance business anyway? Well, the majority of us weren’t taught about budgeting, income, debt, mortgages, saving for retirement, or other personal finance topics in school and if our family didn’t teach us, then we need to figure it out on our own as adults. The intention behind my business is to help facilitate your learning through various forms of content and to make the process clear and easy to follow. I want you to be proud of your financial situation and the knowledge you have around it. I can say from experience that it makes life much more enjoyable when you’ve got your money under control.

As far as what my business entails, I’m going to continue to offer lots of free content on this website and my social media platforms. If you’re wanting more depth, I’ll be launching an eBook about personal finance foundations in the upcoming months (get on the waitlist here!) and will be offering coaching sessions where we get into your personal financial situation and goals (send me an email if you want in on this). I have other plans in the works and of course am available to present at workplaces and events! I’m actually someone who loves public speaking! I recognize that sharing this education to a larger audience is going to have a bigger impact and that’s what this is all about for me.

I love knowledge & money, let me educate you!

I love knowledge & money, let me educate you!

So, business or passion project? It’s both! In fact, I’m going to refer to it as my Passion Business. I want to clearly identify this as my passion project because it’s something that is driven by my love of knowledge and money! It’s also a business because I intend to earn income from it and identifying it as such allows me to operate with the mindset of a business owner and not someone with a hobby. I view this as an opportunity to create something bigger than me, to give back to the world in a meaningful way and have a positive impact on people. We all know that money can create a lot of stress but I want to help you learn to have a healthy relationship with money and in turn, help you feel empowered.  

I want to end this by saying that whatever you feel called to do, DO IT. You can have a career and follow your passion, they don’t have to be the same. If you’re still trying to figure out what you’re meant to do, keep working on it. Personal Financial Education was far from the first idea I had about what would make up my passion business and it was given to me by my dear friend and (massage) therapist, Emer. I’m also giving you the permission you likely won’t give yourself to get started and share it, even if you don’t know how the heck to do it or all of the details around what it’s going to look like. I didn’t and I still don’t but I got started with Money Monday posts in November 2020 and went from there. Dream big and share your passion with the world, you deserve it and we need it.

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